Omoro District commemorates the World Water Day
Omoro District yesterday commemorated the World Water Day in Acet Town Council at Acet Primary school basing on the theme;" Sanitation and Hygiene for all - a key to disease prevention".
Brian Okecha the Engineer at East Africa Ministries/4Africa (EAM) an Implementing Partner who spoke on behalf of all IPs thanked the district for organizing the event. He informed leaders that EAM had drilled and rehabilitated close to 100 boreholes in main Odek subcouty and had moved to start works in Lalogi subcouty. They had also trained water source committees and encouraged households constructed pit latrines, plate stand and a rubbish pit. He called upon the community to maintain their water sources to ensure prevention of diseases.
The LC3 Chairperson Acet Town Council said that they had set the last Thursday of every month to engage communities in sanitation services so that efforts provided by the district and Partners could be maintained. He alluded to the fact that 4Africa had drilled enough boreholes in old Odek subcouty with households moving lest than 1km to the water source.
The Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Ms Acen Florence emphasized the need for communities to appreciate the services given them by IPs and government and take full ownership. She said that 64% households in the district had access to clean and safe water. She added that it was the first time the district commemorated this day since inception.
The District Chairperson Mr Okello Douglas Peter thanked IPs and government for the efforts to provide safe water. He said that government through the Ministry of Water and Environment had extended the motorized piped water to benefit the people of Omoro. This would target health centers, markets, schools and households. He added that, the district had emphasized that every household should have, a toilet, shelter, rubbish pit, hunger for during cloths among others and last Thursday of every month had been set for sanitation and hygiene activities.
The Resident District Commissioner Mr Onyuk Andrew emphasized food security in every household especially at a time when rain had started. He said it was uncalled for to find a household struggling with hunger when God had given man all knowledge and provision to fight poverty. He also emphasized on security matters and called on everyone to be security alert and report all related acts of thread in the community.